Now I get how anxious people
lose whole conversations.
Everyone flies words around the room
but I'm fixed on the needle stuck in my brain.
I might have COVID
and this might be the last I see my family alive.
A stranger named John sucked my dick last night
drank my cum as I cried.
Now it's clear how a peaceful interaction
becomes splattered with noise.
I'm sitting on the newly upholstered love seat
listening to how it got this way.
Dolores knows the neighbor three doors down.
He told her the guy.
Hank looks uptight.
It's how I'm not talking.
No one gives a shit if I'm talking.
They love the upholstery!
The couch looks great and we love the upholstery.
Helen, If they said 6 weeks don't call them in 3!
The sassiness trapped inside is begging to scream.
My voice begging noooooo.
We really can't scream.
Remember that vocal surgery.
We're still very young.
Let's not jump to conclusion.
Some hot water and less singing and we're riding home free.
Just ask for a glass.
But how long does it take in her microwave.
For water to heat up.
I'm afraid of my rasp.