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With all due respect

you gotta do some work sweetie.

Gotta use your heart sweetie.

I'll project onto you what I don't want to see.

I'll infantilize the youth,

invoke tired tropes of gen z.

anti-productivity. truuu lmao

The truth is we won't be exploited anymore.

Not like boomers stuck in a grind that

never ends. My body already aches

and it's the start of resisting 

commonplace bullshit that wants to see

us wasting away physically.

Relentless work strips me of humanity.

I seek in your eyes any semblance

of intensity. You mumble back to me

you'd rather lay in bed. Newsflash -

low energy is not our destiny. Something

diabolical and all encompassing 

is leeching on us.


And yet you want more labor.

Siphoning all this juiciness.

Because your life force is pruney.

Here, I'll share with you the fuel that keeps me burning. Keeps us fluid, flowing thru despair.

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