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How much I want to express my emotions with my voice.

All that desire means nothing. I squeeze out notes I can't sustain.

My chords get more fragile with every strain. Now the grief I need

to release results directly from how I choose to release it. 

Repeat after me, in a calm, breath-supported voice: you are not a pop diva.

You are Garrett and your voice is deep and beautifully raspy. 

My voice might not be the best way for me to express myself.

I'm glad I have my flute to produce high notes. My breath through

a metal frame much harder to break.


Something about the energy contained in high frequencies. It screeches for release. I heard that some pitches illicit strong emotional responses in humans.

We respond to loud sustained cries. That's what I want to produce. 

Singing in my natural register feels good. Sometimes the vibrations 

in my throat unsettle me. I know to much about the physiology of vocal

production. Why does knowledge make me more anxious. 

There are surgeries for everything. including vocal and spinal disk failure.

I embrace my voice for what it is.

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